Federal Managers Association
Bipartisan group says Pentagon's across-the-board furlough policy might go too far
By Kellie Lunney, Government Executive
Republicans and Democrats called upon Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel for a financial explanation for furloughing civilian defense employees who operate under a Working Capital Fund (WCF). WCFs are funds that are sustained through the sales revenues of weapons productions and maintenance, instead of the appropriations process. Federal Managers Association National President Patricia Niehaus commented on the request to Secretary Hagel, stating, “I am glad our elected officials are questioning whether furloughing WCF employees does anything to meet the demands of the Budget Control Act, and may harm the readiness of our military forces." Niehaus previously contacted the Secretary in April calling for furlough exemptions for WCF employees.
To read the full article from Government Executive, please visit: http://www.govexec.com/pay-benefits/2013/06/bipartisan-group-says-pentagons-across-board-furlough-policy-might-go-too-far/65585/?oref=river.