By Erich Wagner, Government Executive
Although developments regarding the prospect of a pay raise for federal civilian employees next year have been sparse in recent weeks, that could soon change, now that officials have agreed to top-line spending levels for fiscal 2020.
Earlier this week, President Trump announced that he and congressional leaders in both parties had reached a two-year budget deal that would lift spending caps as well as the debt ceiling. The deal gets rid of sequestration, and increases discretionary spending at non-defense agencies by $27 billion.
Although the House last month approved an appropriations package that provides an average 3.1% pay raise for civilian federal workers—a 2.6% across the board raise, and an average 0.5% increase to locality pay—the Senate has not introduced any of its appropriations bills for consideration. Senate Republicans said they would wait until a decision had been made on top-line spending amounts before advancing their spending bills. Now that a budget deal has been reached they can proceed with the appropriations bills.