President Trump announced late Monday the administration had reached an agreement with House and Senate leaders to lift spending caps and raise the debt ceiling with a two-year budget deal.
The deal would raise discretionary spending at non-defense agencies by $27 billion in fiscal 2020 and boost defense spending by $22 billion, according to multiple reports. Compared to fiscal 2019, domestic agencies would see an increase of $10 billion more than their defense counterparts. Compared to the spending caps that would have been in place absent a deal, defense spending is set to increase by $20 billion more than the boost to non-defense. The funding caps, which first went into effect in 2013 as a result of the 2011 Budget Control Act, will no longer apply going forward.
The deal avoids $125 billion in automatic spending cuts that would have taken place in fiscal 2020 across both defense and non-defense agencies had Congress not acted. Lawmakers agreed to offset about $77 billion through increases to customs user fees and extending automatic cuts to mandatory spending.
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