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Federal Managers Association

Press Release

  • TSA will reimburse officers for up to one half of professional liability insurance costs.

    Alexandria, VA – In a reversal of policy, all TSA Supervisory Transportation Security Officers are now eligible for reimbursement of up to one half of the cost to obtain professional liability insurance. As required by law, agencies across the federal government provide this reimbursement to managers. Thanks to this revision in policy, STSOs no longer entirely carry the burden of paying for this insurance so necessary for their line of work. 

    Supervisory Transportation Security Officers (STSOs) at the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) are now eligible to receive congressionally-mandated professional liability insurance reimbursement thanks to a ruling earlier this year by Administrator John S. Pistole. The Federal Managers Association (FMA), whose TSA members were wrongly affected by the previous policy, worked tirelessly for this change and applauds TSA’s decision.

    Upon learning that STSOs are now eligible to receive reimbursement, FMA National President Patricia Niehaus remarked, “This is a great day for national security and America’s traveling public. STSOs are on the frontlines and willingly put themselves in potentially dangerous situations. They are also constantly interacting with the public in stressful circumstances. STSOs need professional liability insurance to perform their vital jobs with peace of mind. TSA did the right thing to help their employees make the responsible decision to get this insurance.”

    FMA led the effort to review TSA policy when STSOs were originally excluded from receiving reimbursement. The Association, working with its chapter members at Newark Liberty International Airport, met with congressional leaders, staff and senior level officials at the Department of Homeland Security, sent numerous letters and made phone calls urging a review and reversal of the policy as applied within TSA.

    Pursuant to public law, all federal agencies are required to reimburse law enforcement officers and supervisors or management officials up to one half of the cost of professional liability insurance. This insurance is critical because it provides coverage for actions taken in performance of an employee’s official duties that may result in a civil action and/or expenses for administrative and judicial proceedings that may result from conduct within the scope of employment. STSO’s work with the public and subordinates exposes them to both personal and professional liability and TSA’s ruling is consistent with Congress’ intent.

    Niehaus continued, “STSOs are dutiful public servants who are dedicated and passionate about protecting America’s traveling public and strive to be model employees of TSA. We thank them for their service and are pleased they are recognized with reimbursement for this crucial insurance. Our members look forward to working vigilantly with Administrator Pistole and all of TSA in the daily mission to protect our great country.”


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