Federal Managers Association
GSA’s Tangherlini urges managers to boost collaboration, idea sharing
During his keynote address at the Federal Managers Association (FMA) 75th annual National Convention and Management Training Seminar, General Services Administration Action Administrator Dan Tangherlini called upon federal managers to push collaboration in order to get the most out of federal government during these trying, budget strapped times.
"We are contending with a situation, which in my twenty-two years of service...is unique," the GSA leader stated. He urged FMA members to utilize the resources they have, both people and technology, to develop best ideas to meet and resolve problems resulting from diminished agency funds and dwindling morale.
To read the full article, please visit: http://blogs.federaltimes.com/federal-times-blog/2013/03/05/tangherlini-urges-federal-managers-to-boost-collaboration-idea-sharing/.