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Federal Managers Association

Press Release

  • Association will strive to support portions it believes will improve government, and will speak out on areas where the plan falls short.

    Alexandria, VA – The Office of Management and Budget released its Agency Reorganization Plan earlier today. Federal Managers Association (FMA) National President Renee Johnson made the following comments concerning the Agency Reorganization Plan:

    “We will continue to closely examine the White House’s Reform Plan and Reorganization Recommendations which have only just been released. We are troubled by the process which failed to include input from federal employees. Where appropriate, we now expect Congress to review these proposals, hold hearings, and receive insights from federal managers throughout government. 

    “FMA is open to and welcomes proposals which would help to modernize and improve the civil service. However, federal employees cannot blindly support proposals that call for workforce reductions as the administration looks to combine the Department of Labor and Education, privatize the United States Postal Service, and diminish the Office of Personnel Management.

    “Meanwhile, most stakeholders were unable to provide any kind of input into these proposals. These agency reorganization plans have largely been crafted behind closed doors, in a process that did not include input from rank-and-file feds or leadership at agencies, or even input from Congress which possesses the power of the purse. This was a process where the White House apparently misplaced most, or all, of the public input on the reorganization plans which has resulted in a lawsuit.

    “While recently meeting with various departments and agencies, FMA again offered to serve as a resource and take on more leadership roles as the civil service works to modernize. FMA welcomes conversations and new ideas on how to make government more efficient and effective, but as a major stakeholder, we must have a seat at the table as we explore how to build on what currently works, and improve what needs to be done better.


Advocating Excellence in Public Service

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The Association’s considerable political influence stems from a team approach to advocacy. When lawmakers or agency decision-makers consider proposals that could adversely affect the management of the federal workforce, they quickly realize that TEAM FMA stands together to protect the interests of all its members.

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