Federal Managers Association
The grim realities of sequestration
In a recent article, the Federal Managers Association (FMA) discussed the effects of sequestration and how across-the-board cuts will impact the daily lives of federal managers. On top of the current two-year pay freeze, threats to reduce benefits, and constant fed bashing, federal employees are facing smaller staffs and reduced agency budgets if Congress fails to find a way to avoid reducing the budget by $1.2 trillion.
"Federal managers and all federal workers are already facing an increasingly stressful work environment. They are almost at the end of the current two-year pay freeze, yet are constantly facing legislation calling for an extension, as well as cuts to personnel. While many view these cuts as a means to reduce the size of government, it leads to federal agencies’ inability to meet their missions and goals, resulting in the American public becoming less confident in the abilities of the federal government... Members of Congress and the Administration have stated repeatedly that sequestration needs to be avoided. However, little has been proposed to address the colossal ramifications if the cuts take effect," FMA stated in the article.
To read the full article, please visit: http://www.fedmanager.com/columnswhats-happening/hear-it-from-fma/861-the-grim-realities-of-sequestration.