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Federal Managers Association

FMA Working for You

  • FMA WEIGHS IN ON FY19 BUDGET REQUEST - February 14, 2018
  • FMA quoted in Federal News Radio article

    FMA National President Renee Johnson was quoted in an article by Federal News Radio's Nicole Ogrysko, who examinined President Trump's Fiscal Year 2019 budget request. The article provides a detailed look at the impact the budget would have on agencies, if enacted. Johnson called the proposed pay freeze "callous and unfair," and noted the lack of traditional pay parity with the uniformed military. “While we note the president has proposed an inter-agency fund in an effort to advance pay-for-performance, until we see greater detail FMA will continue to call for a judicious pay raise for federal employees,” Johnson concluded.

    To read the full article, please click here.


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The Association’s considerable political influence stems from a team approach to advocacy. When lawmakers or agency decision-makers consider proposals that could adversely affect the management of the federal workforce, they quickly realize that TEAM FMA stands together to protect the interests of all its members.

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