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FMA Washington Report: August 9, 2024
OPM Issues New Guidance on Remote Work Policies and Programs

The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) released a memo providing federal agencies with considerations for evaluating current remote work policies and determining future policies in a post-pandemic federal workforce. OPM Acting Director Rob Shriver released the 8-page memo on August 7.

The memo notes a transition from a maximum telework posture during the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic to arrangements balancing in-person work, telework, and remote work, and builds on 2021 OPM guidance.

“Agency heads are responsible for oversight of their agencies' remote work policies, processes, and operations. To promote rigor in program management, it is recommended an agency Deputy head or a member of agency leadership at a similar seniority level oversee tracking and implementation of the remote work program,” the memo says.

OPM encourages agencies to prioritize successful agency mission delivery, organizational health and performance, customer service, continuity of agency operations and workplace culture when designing or reviewing remote work programs. The memo outlines the following additional key policy and program considerations:

1. Agency Senior Leadership

2. New Employees and Early Career Talent

3. Employees in the Local Commuting Area

4. Largely or Fully Remote Teams

5. Equitable Determinations

Agencies should also conduct a formal and complete cost benefit analysis when considering approval or denial of remote work requests, including: any impact on the mission needs of the organization; business reasons; costs of terminating or adjusting agreements based on changing mission needs; and, travel costs.

To view the full memo, click here.


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