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FMA Washington Report: July 1, 2024
Fiscal Year 2025 Appropriations Process Moves Forward, But Faces Challenges

The House of Representatives is continuing its efforts on the appropriations process for Fiscal Year 2025, trying to advance all 12 FY25 spending bills prior to breaking for the August recess. The House has passed four bills thus far, including three on Friday, June 28, and has taken significant steps to prepare multiple other funding bills for consideration on the House floor. However, to date, the bills face an uphill climb with concerns lingering in the U.S. Senate and veto threats from the White House.

The House has passed the following appropriations bills:

  • Military Construction-VA bill (H.R. 8580), by a vote of 209-197
  • Defense appropriations (H.R. 8774) by a vote of 271-198
  • Homeland Security (H.R. 8752) by a vote of 212-203
  • Department of State-Foreign Operations (H.R. 8771) by a vote of 212-200

President Biden issued a veto threat for all of these spending bills, as passed by the House, based on funding levels and policy disagreements.

Five other appropriations bills were considered in the appropriations subcommittees this week, including Commerce-Justice-Science, Labor-HHS-Education, Transportation-HUD, Interior-Environment, and Energy-Water. Similar to the bills noted above, these bills face significant challenges in their current forms.

Among the most visible developments, the Labor-HHS-Education bill would reduce spending for the Social Security Administration’s administrative budget by $450 million. FMA vehemently opposes this dramatic cut, which could cripple this critical agency. The Transportation-HUD bill would reduce spending for those departments by $7.1 billion.

Fiscal Year 2025 begins on October 1, 2024.


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