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FMA Washington Report: May 10, 2024
Rob Shriver Assumes OPM Reins as Acting Director

On May 6 Office of Personnel Management (OPM) Deputy Director Rob Shriver announced he has been appointed Acting Director of the agency. This followed the April 16 announcement that then-Director Kiran Ahuja was stepping down from her position.

FMA has worked with Shriver during his time at OPM and looks forward to continuing the good working relationship we have developed with him in his new role. In addition to working as deputy director, Shriver has served the agency as deputy general counsel for policy, associate director of national healthcare operations, and associate director for employee services.

Ahuja leaves OPM as the longest serving director in more than ten years at the agency.

“Serving in the Biden-Harris Administration, and in support of the 2.2 million federal workers who dedicate themselves to the American people, has been the honor of my life,” said OPM Director Kiran Ahuja in a statement. “From my time as a civil rights lawyer in the Department of Justice, to my years as OPM’s Chief of Staff, I’ve seen the power that public service has to change lives, rebuild communities, and make our nation stronger. We have accomplished so much these last three years at OPM, but I am most proud of the friendships and bonds we built together in public service. Thank you most to the OPM workforce for your service and dedication. We serve the people who serve the nation – and without you, our country could not move forward. Thank you.”

FMA is grateful for Ahuja’s leadership at OPM. Among her accomplishments at the helm, Director Ahuja pushed through an FMA-endorsed final rule strengthening the merit-based civil service, expanded the Pathways Program to foster recruitment, issued a comprehensive data strategy plan, and reinstated both the CHCO Council and Presidential Rank Awards. To view the full news release on Director Ahuja’s announcement, click here.


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