Q.: What is a Legislative Action Team (LAT)?
A.: A LAT is a core group of 2-3 individuals including a team leader within each FMA chapter responsible for educating, motivating and coordinating that chapter's participation in and support of FMA's legislative agenda on Capitol Hill. With FMA's chapters across the country, LATs comprise FMA's grassroots lobbying network.
Q.: Why do we need LATs?
A.: Constituent viewpoints are the most important opinions to Members of Congress. With thousands of special interests groups lobbying on Capitol Hill, it is important that FMA has a front-line effort to strengthen its contact with key Members of Congress. LATs can make a world of difference!
Q.: What are my responsibilities as a LAT leader?
A.: Team leaders organize periodic meetings with the team to discuss lobbying strategy. It is important that LAT leaders have regular contact with the FMA National Office and provide them with personal (non-work) e-mail addresses. Team leaders must also encourage team members to keep abreast of FMA's legislative issues. LAT leaders are responsible for sharing legislative information from FMA's National Office to their Chapter members.
Q.: How often do I have to do something?
A.: The amount of lobbying will depend on FMA's legislative agenda and congressional action on those issues. From time to time, the FMA National Office will contact you to write, phone, e-mail or visit your Members of Congress to ask for their support on important FMA issues. You can always find up-to-date information on our legislative efforts in the Legislative Action Center.
Q.: What issues will I be responsible for?
A.: The Government Affairs staff in the FMA National Office lets each team know what issues are of immediate importance and what action is necessary. There may be chapter-specific issues, as well as general FMA issues, that require political action.
Q.: Where will I get the information on the issues?
A.: The FMA National Office always provides the information needed to write, call or visit with your legislators. The team leader also provides information through the bi-weekly Washington Report and from the FMA website. If any questions should arise, you can always contact the Government Affairs staff in the National Office. You can email Greg Stanford, Director of Government Affairs, at Gstanford@fedmanagers.org.
Q.: How do I become an LAT member?
A.: To join the lobbying efforts go to the Legislative Action Center to participate in FMA's ongoing grassroots write-in campaigns, and contact your Chapter President or LAT leader for more information on your chapter's local efforts.