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Issue Briefs

2024 Legislative Recommendations

Below is a copy of FMA's 2024 Legislative Issue Briefs Executive Summary. Please click the PDF link below for a full description of each issue:


Advocating Excellence in Public Service

  1. Congress should pass all appropriations bills in a timely manner. 
  2. Congress should protect federal employees’ compensation, health and retirement benefits. 
  3. Congress should pass meaningful hiring reforms for the federal workforce, including expanding direct hire authority. 
  4. Congress should authorize capital investments across the federal government to restore and/or modernize facilities to meet their operational needs. 
  5. Congress should allow Federal Employees Retirement System (FERS) employees to make deposits for non-deduction federal service performed, in the same manner as Civil Service Retirement System (CSRS) employees and former military personnel. 
  6. Congress should pass legislation to enhance training, support, accountability, and reporting with respect to remote work and telework. 
  7. Congress should pass legislation to establish and fund initial and ongoing mandatory training requirements for all managers and supervisors across the federal government, and provide for a dual-track system to allow technical experts to rise without taking on management roles. 
  8. Congress should preserve due process for all federal employees and prevent a future return of Schedule F. 
  9. Congress should pass legislation to make cost-of-living-adjustments (COLAs) more accurate and fair, and allow FERS employees access to the Voluntary Contribution Program available to CSRS employees. 
  10. Congress should pass legislation to repeal or mitigate the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) and the Government Pension Offset (GPO).

If you have any questions or for more information, please contact Government & Public Affairs Director Greg Stanford at 703-683-8700 or via email at gstanford@fedmanagers.org. We look forward to continuing our commitment to provide you with the highest level of advocacy on Capitol Hill.

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Advocating Excellence in Public Service

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