In Memoriam: Let us not be sad, for they lived their lives to the fullest. Let us celebrate, for they were able to make a difference in many people?s lives. We find comfort in the fact that our beloved will guide and protect us for the rest of our lives.

Mike Styles, FMA National President, 1990 - 2006
It is with a heavy heart that we note the passing of former FMA President Emeritus Mike Styles. He passed away the evening of August 10, 2016. Mike and Edie's son was with the family and has been a great comfort to Edie during this sad and difficult time.
If you would like to express your condolences to Edie and her family, her address is:
Ms. Edie Styles
7946 Aster Ave.
Yucca Valley, CA 92284-4133
Mike was president for 16 years and played a larger-than-life role in FMA's history. He was a very good man who was loved by many. He will be greatly missed.